CSI101: Test # 3 Study Guide
You should know:
- Interfaces
- Be able to compare interface elements on the Mac and PC (Exploer, Taskbar, My Computer, etc)
- Killer Application
- Killer Apps for the Appple II, IBM PC, Mac
- The Company that made the killer app for the Mac
- Software
- OS, Applications. Utilities
- BIOS, the boot up process
- Operating Systems
- how OS's affected the development of the computer industry
- Preemptive vs Cooperative Multitasking
- Protected memory and memory management
- History of Personal Computers
- The computer (and it's features) invented at Xerox
- The process of develpoing the Apple II, IBM PC, Lisa, and Mac
- How storages devices work
- optical vs. magnetic storage
- defragmenting
- compression
- Anything in the assigned readings: How Computers Work (ch 1 - 3, and 7 - 14)
- Anything from previous tests