Sean Fitzroy : NEiA
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Sean Fitzroy holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Florida State University where he majored in Television and Film Production and minored in Film Studies.

Sean is an award-winning filmmaker, with over 14 years of experience. He has produced videos for a variety of corporate and non-profit clients including The Harvard Business School, APL, Del Monte, and the American Cancer Society. Additionally he's helped create leading-edge software and services for video professionals, first at Boris FX and later at Brightcove. Sean frequently serves as a technical consultant to film productions and media organizations as they transition to new tools and workflows. In 2000 he helped transition production facilities at WGBH and Cambridge Community Television from analog to digital editing, and more recently has helped filmmakers move to high-definition formats, tapeless workflows and Internet distribution.

In addition to being a member of the Interactive Media Design faculty at The New England Institute of Art, where he designed the curriculum for the baccalaureate concentration in Digital Video, Sean has been an Apple and Adobe certified instructor and has taught professional training classes in video production and Internet media in New York and Boston.

In 2009 Sean launched cineshift, which provides technical consulting and social media marketing services and training to independent filmmakers. He frequently speaks at conferences and media organizations about disruptive technologies in film production and distribution, and is developing an online journal examining social and cultural trends in film, television, and Internet media as well as a feature-length documentary.