Sean Fitzroy : NEiA
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Sean Fitzroy

Email is the preferred contact method. Do not leave messages on my voicemail - I won't get them. I check my gmail account on and off campus. If you would prefer a call, email me your phone number and best time to call.

Missed Classes

  • There are no excused absences. You are expected to arrive on time to every class and stay for the duration of the class.
  • If you know in advance that you will miss a class, you may request to turn in assignments or take exams early.
  • If you miss a class, you are responsible for missed work, lectures, etc. Do NOT email me asking what you missed. Use resources on the web site and / or obtain the information from another student.
  • Work is due at the beginning of class. Assignments turned in after that are considered late (including later in the same class or later that day).

Office Hours: Fall 2009

  • Thursday (after class, or by appointment)