Sean Fitzroy : Internet Technologies
CSI110 Syllabus Assignments Resources Student Pages Contact
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Study Guide Resources and Presentation Notes

Resources used in the lecture or as supplemental study aids.

Test Study Guides

Study guides are created and edited by students in the class and are not a replacement for taking your own comprehensive lecture notes. Use of these study guides is at your own discretion. You should cross reference information in the study guides with your own notes and references. If you find something that is unclear or incorrect, or you want to contribute information to the study guides, contact Emily, James, or Henry.

Software and Web Development Resources

Twitter Client Software

RSS / Newsreader Software

Domain Registration

Web Hosting

  • Dreamhost (you can usually find a discount code or ask me)

Web Development

Resources for creating, testing, and uploading your web pages.

Text / HTML Editing Software

FTP Client Software

FTP Settings

  • Server / Host:
  • User Name: your Ai email address
  • Password: ******* (same as your Ai email password)
  • Path: /public_html (this is where your uploaded files and folders go)
  • FTP Settings example (using Cyberduck)
  • FTP Files and Folders screenshot (using Cyberduck)