Sean Fitzroy : Internet Technologies
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The New England Institute of Art

CSI 110: Internet Technologies
Fall 2009
Office Hours and Contact Info

Class Sections and Meeting Times

Thursday 12:30pm - 3:20pm, Room 236

Aii Email (accessible at: )

All students are provided with an Art Institute email account. Students are expected to know how to use the email system and to check email regularly. Instructors use email as the primary method of communicating with students outside of class. Students who don’t wish to check the NEIA account on a regular basis should forward it to the email account they check most frequently, or risk missing important class instructions. Students are expected to use email responsibly and respectfully. Refer to Student Code of Conduct as well as “Policy on Computing Ethics” and “Acceptable Use Policy for Networks.”

Course Description

This course will focus on the evolution of the Internet from a static web to an essential interactive and collaborative communications and business tool. Students will be equipped with the necessary tools to seek out relevant professional information on the global Internet quickly, efficiently and inexpensively, as well as understand how businesses in all industries are using this tool to research, communicate, expand their customer bases and provide wider support options for existing customers. Students will be taught how to use various Internet technologies such as FTP (File Transfer Protocol), mailing list, RSS and podcasts to acquire the information and knowledge businesses need to stay ahead. They will understand domain name systems and IP addressing as well as html to create a basic website. Placement into this course is determined by a placement test.


CSI 101 Understanding Computer Technologies or Advanced Placement Assessment
To take this class you should have a solid understanding of computers (including folder and file management and terminology) and general-purpose applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and a web browsers. You should be comfortable using both the Mac and Windows operating systems. By comfortable, we mean that you should know how to move, rename, and manipulate files, minimize and close windows, connect to file servers and printers, log-in and out, etc. If you are new to computers or have only used computers for a limited number of tasks (such as IM and email) then you should take Understanding Computer Technologies instead of this course. This course does not cover things like manipulating files, working with the operating system, etc.

Course Outcomes Assessment

When you have completed this course you should be able to do the following things:
• Create a basic web site using HTML.
• Add pictures and hyperlinks to web pages.
• Choose the correct type of compression for an image and compress it.
• Transfer files and folders to a server via FTP.
• Find information on the internet using a combination of search engines and directories.
• Analyze URLs and separate them into parts (protocol, domains, file paths, file names)
• Manipulate a URLs to find pages when 404 errors are return
• Use the Aii email system to compose, send, and receive email with attachments.
• Configure and use an email client to send and receive POP email
• Configure and use an IM client to chat and send and receive files over the Internet
• Differentiate the specific Internet services based on their function, capabilities, etc.
• Compare the difference between peer-to-peer, client/server, and hybrid applications
• Understand issues of intellectual property on the Internet.
• Be able to implement basic security procedures used on the Internet

This course is comprised of hands-on lab activities, lecture, assigned reading, and interactive class discussion. Students are required to use email and to check the class web page frequently. Aside from active class participation, students are expected to complete the assignments listed below. Students are responsible for all assigned readings. Supplemental reading materials may be assigned as required during the semester.

Required Books/Materials

The Internet, 7th edition, Thompson / Course Technology (available in the bookstore) USB Flash Disk (backup your removable media frequently)
Online documents, as assigned

Grading Policy

A (93-100)
A- (90-92)

Excellent to Very Good; comprehensive knowledge and understanding of subject matter; marked perception and/or originality

B (83-86)
B- (80-82)

Good; moderately broad knowledge and understanding of subject matter; noticeable perception and/or originality

C+ (77-79)
C (73-76)
C- (70-72)

Satisfactory; reasonable knowledge and understanding of subject matter; some perception and/or originality

D (60-69)

Marginal; minimum of knowledge and understanding of subject matter; limited perception and/or originality

F (<60)

Failing; unacceptable low level of knowledge and understanding of subject matter; severely limited perception and/or originality; absences in excess of allowable limit

Assignment Values

See the Assignments Page

Late Assignments

All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the designated date, unless otherwise noted. Late assignments are not accepted. Tests can be taken late up to 1 week after the assigned date for half credit.

Assignments may not be submitted electronically, except by prior arrangement with the instructor. All writing assignments must be typed.

Academic Integrity

College guidelines for academic integrity are strictly enforced. Using the words, ideas, or audio/video/graphics files of others, without attributing proper credit to the author, constitutes plagiarism, which will result in failure of the project, and possible failure of the class and expulsion from the college. Students must document the original sources of all material that is not his/her own.
Refer to the Student Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook.


Course work at NEiA is very hands-on and students are expected to attend class on a regular basis. Poor attendance will affect a student’s final grade in a class as follows:

Our college-wide standard is, that a student with more than 3 absences (2 during Summer Semester) will have their earned academic grade lowered one letter grade (ex: B+ to C+). More than 4 absences (3 during Summer Semester) will lower their grade to D.

Students are responsible for making up assignments and communicating with their instructors regarding missing classes. All faculty members have school voice mail and email to help students contact them.

The college does not distinguish between excused or unexcused absences.

A student who misses all of his or her classes for two consecutive weeks will be withdrawn from the college.


If a student arrives late or leaves early from class, it is noted in the attendance roster.
4 late arrivals/early departures = 1 absence
Further, if a student misses more then 30 minutes of class, he/she will be marked with a one-half absence for that class.
2 half absences = 1 absence

Other Class Policies

Students must adhere to all lab rules during class. Food and beverages are not permitted in the computer labs.

Respect for self, instructor, and classmates is required at all times. Refer to Student Handbook for Student Code of Conduct.

Students must turn off cell phones, beepers, and portable audio devices during class. You may be asked to leave the class for any of the events listed below. If you are asked to leave, you will not be allowed to return for the duration of the class and you will be marked absent for the entire class. If the problem occurs again during the semester you will be removed from the course and your tuition will not be refunded.

You will be asked to leave the class if:
You access unrelated sites or Internet applications during class time. You place or answer a phone call, or text message during class or
You use chat/IM or email software during a lecture or an in class assignment
You are listening to a personal audio device during class
You attempt to disconnect or circumvent the screensharing system (unplug monitors, etc)
You disrupt the lecture

Academic Support and Learning Disabilities

Students with disabilities should Disability Services. All information regarding disabilities is kept strictly confidential.

Academic Support is provided to any student in need of tutoring by the Academic Achievement Center, at no cost. Students who feel they are able to assist with tutoring this course are also encouraged to contact the Academic Achievement Center for more information.

Semester Class Meeting Schedule

All course content information, including lecture topics, test dates, reading assignments, and resources can be found at